Bible Studies

Our Adult Classes for the 1st quarter of 2025 are:

Committed to Spiritual Growth

Auditorium Class Taught by Cody Humble and Kyle Blevins



Create in Me a Clean Heart

Classrom Class Taught by Brad Harris and Tom Baxley


Please join us Sundays at 9:30AM and Wednesdays at 7:00PM.

Replays of our adult Bible classes can be found on our YouTube page:  

For more information about our Adult Classes, or to receive material, please email us.



At Southside, we are glad to offer classes for children of all ages - beginning as soon as infants are able to sit alone, all the way through high school. 

Junior High & High School Classes

Living in the world today is very difficult.  At Southside, young people are provided Bible instruction to help them better understand Bible basics, as well as, how they can apply those Biblical principles to their lives today.    

Opportunities are also available to young men to participate in the worship services and for all youth to have the opportunity to participate in the age-appropriate classes. Congregation members are given the opportunity to participate as leaders in classes to help young people understand and apply what they learn in the Bible.