Corrupt Seeds & Hybrid Results
The word of God is a spiritual, incorruptible seed (Luke 8.11; 1 Peter 1.23). It is pure (Psalm 12.6). Impure seed may be mixed with spiritual seed. Impure seeds are identified for us in the scriptures as follows:
- Matthew 15.9 — Precepts of men
- Galatians 1.8-9 — Another gospel
- Colossians 2.8 — Philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, and the rudiments of the world
- Ephesians 5.6 - Empty words
- Colossians 2.23 — Things which have indeed a show of wisdom in will-worship, humility, and severity to the body
- 1 Timothy 6.20 - Profane babbling and oppositions of the knowledge which is falsely so called
This is not an exhaustive list. When the pure spiritual seed is corrupted with impurities, a hybrid product results. Below are some examples:
- The Bible + Catechism results in Catholic “Christians.”
- The Bible + Discipline results in Methodist “Christians.”
- The Bible + Baptist Manual results in Baptist “Christians.”
- The Bible + Confession of Faith results in Presbyterian “Christians.”
- The Bible + Prayer Book results in Episcopalian “Christians.”
- The Bible + Science of Health with Key to the Scriptures results in Christian Scientist “Christians.”
- The Bible + Book of Mormon results in Latter Day Saints “Christians.”
- The Bible + Constitution and Bylaws of the General Council results in Assembly of God “Christians.”
The Bible without these impurities makes Christians only (cf. Acts 11.26; 26.28; 1 Peter 4.16). You can read of Christians in God’s word, but not of hybrid Christians. Likewise, you can read of the church that Christ built (Matthew 16.218; Acts 2.47), but not of hybrid churches.