
Compare & $ave

When Jesus had taught in the temple, the Jews were astonished at how he could teach, not having been “trained” (i.e., “uneducated”; “not knowing letters”; John 7.14-15). When the Jews heard Peter and John teach, they were astonished at the confidence with which they taught, being “unlearned and ignorant men.” Then Luke recorded these words: “And then they recognized that they had been with Jesus” (Acts 4.13). What would have made the Jews connect Peter and John as having been with Jesus? What else, other than the similarities in the teaching of Jesus with the teaching of Peter and John?

What about today? Is it not still true that teaching can identify/connect one with Jesus? Certainly so! But it can also be proof that teaching is in error (false). If not, why not? But notice that the teachings of the Jews could not identify them with Moses because they did not teach what Moses taught. They taught “traditions” (Matthew 15.1-9). These traditions did not come from God. However, not all traditions were wrong (2 Thessalonians 2.15). Paul once again taught things that he later recognized as being in error (Galatians 1.14). But when he began preaching “the faith which once he destroyed”, he was connected as having been with Jesus, for his teaching was similar to what Jesus taught (1 Corinthians 14.37).

Today, teaching will either cause the teacher/preacher to be connected with Jesus, or prove him to be in error. The responsibility is upon each person to compare what they are taught with what was taught by Jesus and the apostles. Those in Berea did this (Acts 17.11). Let us remember the warning given by the apostle John: “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world” (1 John 4.1).