
More About Jesus (22)

The word “kingdom” meant one thing to Jesus but quite another to the crowd. For that reason, Jesus was quickly rejected, because He did not measure up to their expectations of a national image of a Messiah.

Why then did Jesus continue to arouse the crowd by using the word “kingdom?” It was used 53 times in Matthew alone. Although they rejected Him as king, He was recognized at the cross as “King of the Jews.”

Jesus never offered a clear definition of the kingdom. He used parables. He imparted stories about farming, fishing, women baking bread, and merchants buying pearls to show what His kingdom was and how important it would be.

Maybe you think of Jesus’ kingdom as a group of troops, weapons, revolts, debates, and protests. If we think it is one more power structure, we need to turn to the account of the trial where Jesus faces the kingdom of this world.

The Lord Jesus did not use coercive power or show Pilate His army (John 18:36). Neither did He tell His disciples, “All men will know you are my disciples if you pass laws, suppress immorality, and restore decency to the family and government.” He said, “...if you love me...” and “...if you love one another...” (John 13:34,35; 14:15). Clearly, the kingdom of God does not come with careful observation. It is within YOU! (Luke 17:20,21).