
The Best


Commercials on television lead you to believe their products are the best. Sometimes a company will put out a “new-and-improved” product to assure you theirs is still the best. It puzzles me why people want to improve on something that is the best already.

Religious groups across the world seem to be “competing” to be the “best” church. Some may decide to change their philosophies, worship, or means of salvation to a “new-and-improved” way to convince the public their way to God is best. Sadly, though, these “new-and-improved” ways are not God’s ways (Isaiah 55:8,9). The best way of religion is the one way through Jesus Christ (John 14:6). It is the truthful way and the only way to the Father.

How could God improve on the sacrifice of His Son for the sins of the world? God had the best lamb in Jesus, the Lamb of God (John 1:29). Friend, you cannot improve on the best sacrifice of God, because this sacrifice was sinless, pure, holy, and without spot or blemish. We do not need another sacrifice, nor a better one that who was already sent. We have been given the best already.

An individual receives nothing less than the best blessings and promises when living for Christ. Many folks have difficulty understanding that. The wise after the flesh, the mighty, and noble, all view the cross as foolishness (1 Corinthians 1:21,26,27). What the world promises them they view as the best any man could ever receive. Can you get any better than the blessings of grace, love, longsuffering, kindness, divine care, mercy, divine guidance, or the promise of an incorruptible, undefiled, and unfading hope?

Jesus also provides for all men the best way to the best home - heaven. In what way can you improve on a home of eternal rest, joy, and everlasting glory of God? A home where there is no sadness, pain, heartache, or temptation is nowhere to be found on earth. I cannot think of anything better than the best God offers to those who faithfully obey His will. You will not have to worry about space. There will be plenty of room at home with God. That is a promise from Jesus (John 14:3). Only a few will come to know the comforts of His home (Matthew 7:13,14). For those few, it will be a grand occasion when they lay down their tabernacle of flesh and receive the inheritance in “a new heaven and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness” (2 Peter 3:13). Without question, the best is yet to come.