How To Be Good
One thing which makes good men good is humility. They know they are not as good as they need to be, but they continually seek to be and do better. Wanting to be right speaks volumes about one’s character. Let it be said to the credit of the Corinthian brethren, they earnestly cared about their condition and sought to clear themselves (2 Corinthians 7:11). Good men are never indifferent to their spiritual condition. They seek to be pure. They hunger and thirst after righteousness (Matthew 5:6), because they are concerned about their standing with God.
A good man realizes being right is not within himself (Jeremiah 10:23). He turns to God for his direction and standard of righteousness. “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord; and he delighteth in his way” (Psalm 37:23). A good man will understand life without God is dark and dangerous. He allows his pathway to be illuminated by the word of life (Psalm 119:105), which means truth is the order (John 17:17). THe reason is because truth is what good men look for. Good men and truth are a combination that always results in righteousness.
Every good man has “a good and honest heart” (Luke 8:15). Good men are not hard-headed. They are not ruled by prejudice. They are ever willing to come to the light that their works may be made manifest (John 3:21). Good men are not only willing to prove themselves, whether they are in the faith (2 Corinthians 13:5); they likewise respect God’s admonition to prove ALL things in order that they may hold fast to that which is good (1 Thessalonians 5:21).
A good man has no problem with changing. He does not hold to his “position.” He will “hold fast the confession of his faith that it waver not” (Hebrews 10:23). Good men are willing to change if necessary to be right with God. Pride is forbidden in the heart of good men. Holding fast to friends and tradition is not as important as clinging to truth. A good man does not point at others wishing they would change. He considers his own soul and what transformation is necessary to prove what is the good and acceptable will of Jehovah (Romans 12:2).
The need for all good men is to manifest good works. A good man does not commit himself to goodness so others will count him as “a good man.” The intent with his fruit is to bring glory to God (John 15:8) and adorn the doctrine of Christ (Titus 2:10). These good works are seen by all those in their home, church, job, school, and community. Everyone sees him or her (Matthew 5:14). No doubt the world could use a few more good men and women.