
The Church


The church is not made up of people who believe they are better than others, but rather it is made up of those who realize they should do better than others (Philippians 1:9,10). They must continually strive to do better.

The church is not made up of people who never make mistakes, but those who often acknowledge their mistakes and forsake sin. We must never seek to justify sin or continually make the same mistakes over and over again.

The church is not trying to withdraw from everyone. It is trying to draw everyone into its fellowship and love, those who are willing to walk in the light where God the Father and Christ the Son are found.

The church is not trying to set up arbitrary rules to hinder anyone, but rather to show the rule of Christ which helps everyone.

The church is not trying to separate you from your money, but rather trying to keep your money from separating you from God.

The church is not trying to take the joy out of life, but rather trying to put real joy into every life it touches.

The church is not trying to become master of your life, but trying to get you to master yourself.

The church is not trying to rob your life of priorities, but rather trying to get you to put the priorities into your life.