
More About Jesus


When Jesus said, “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me…” (Matthew 11:29), it was a task easier to offer than it was to accept by those who heard.

Our Lord begins to bring us to the point where we can have fellowship with Him, only to hear us moan and groan, saying, “Oh Lord, just let me be like other people!” Would you rather be close to Jesus and be identified as one of His followers?

What strength can you manifest on your own? The only way to know the strength of God is to take the yoke of Jesus upon us and learn from Him. In that strength, there is joy. “...The joy of the Lord is your strength” (Nehemiah 8:10). Where do the saints get their joy? It is a product of a relationship with God and obedience to Him. Is there not joy to doing things without regret, without the possibility of trouble and shame, just because it is right? Is that yoke irritating you or does it feel heavy at first, but is made easier because it becomes a part of your life and who you are?