
Give Me A Reason


As Paul stood before Felix and Drusilla, he “reasoned of righteousness, temperance, and judgment to come” (Acts 24:25). When Paul completed his message, the only thing left was for Felix to reason. Upon examination, Felix trembled. He realized the truth of the words spoken by Paul. He knew they applied to him…

Although Paul reasoned with Felix, Felix had to exercise his own faculty to understand. He was persuaded by the argument. The power of the message gave him the information to draw his own conclusion. Felix did not need anyone’s assistance to determine what he should do…

Not very many are involved in correct reasoning today. Many fail to “have their senses exercised to discern good and evil” (Hebrews 5:14). Some people are content to accept second-handed opinions rather than “work out their own salvation” (Philippians 2:12). No wonder modern advertising is such a force on unthinking people. That is why some politicians are able to gain and retain their hold on certain classes of people. And it is the same cause for religious division today.

Every person needs to use their God-given resource of reasoning power and study the Bible themselves, instead of being content to let someone else do their thinking for them.

The greatness of the national leaders in this country’s history has been individuals who reasoned for themselves. Columbus would have never discovered America if it were not for reasoning. The restoration movement would have never taken place had someone not reasoned for himself.

There will never be a day when you will not be called upon to exercise reason and judgment. Make sure you use a proper guide – God’s revelation. Do you have a “reason of the hope that is in you” (1 Peter 3:15)?