


Below is a list of characteristics of a good mother as composed by Sharon Jaynes into the acronym “BLESSED”:

B = Beacon

To be available to your child, a constant in his/her life, a landmark to your child.


L = Listener

To listen not just with your ears but with your eyes and facial expressions, as well as to know how to ask good questions.


E = Encourager

Ask yourself, “Am I my child’s chief critic or cheerleader?” To encourage means to give confidence or encouragement; that’s what a mother needs to do.


S = Self-esteem builder

To build a sturdy foundation of self-esteem for that child.


S = Seed-sower

To sow seeds of Scripture and prayer into your child’s life.


E = Example-setter

No matter what kind of values you try to instill in your child, ultimately, it’s what you do that matters.


D = Diligent

A mother doesn’t give up even when she’s tired.


Finally, a mother gives her children

over to the Lord in prayer.