I Am A Christian
I am a disciple of Christ;
I seek to learn from him and follow him…
but I am not a Disciple of Christ.
I am a methodist;
I try to follow the biblical method…
but I am not a Methodist.
I am a baptist;
I have been immersed in water for the
forgiveness of my sins…
but I am not a Baptist.
I am catholic;
Christ added me to his universal church…
but I am not a Catholic.
I am part of an assembly of God;
we assemble each Lord’s day…
but I am not of the Assemblies of God.
I am presbyterian;
my congregation is shepherded by elders
(Greek: presbuteroi)…
but I am not Presbyterian.
I am episcopalian;
My congregation is overseen by bishops (Greek: episcopoi)…
but I am not an Episcopalian.
I am a member of a congregation which is Christian and independent…
but I am not of the Independent Christian Church.
I am a member of the church of Christ;
He built and purchased it with his blood…
but I am not Church of Christ.
I am a member of the church of God;
He purposed it before the world began…
but I am not Church of God.
By the grace of God, I am a Christian.