Edification Reminders
- Tell yourself over and over that since you are not perfect, you would not fit into a perfect congregation, even if one existed.
- Instead of picking out the worldly members to point to, pick out the sincere, educated, spiritual members, and thank God for them. You will find what you seek.
- If you are older, treat the younger with the consideration that you desired as a young person. If you are younger, treat adults with the respect that you will want when you are mature.
- When you are tempted to criticize others, be sure to pray earnestly for them first. This may not totally change them, but it will do wonders for your attitude.
- When you see a work being neglected, instead of being critical, offer to help.
- Never, ever blame others for your own failure. Every individual can be fruitful despite the bad examples and discouraging attitudes of others if he is determined to bear fruit.
- Remind yourself every day that the only way you can improve the world and church is to begin with yourself.
- Consciously look for the good qualities in every brother and sister in Christ. When you think of a brother or sister, make a quick mental note of the good traits each possesses.
- Constantly strive to increase your circle of associates in the church. Try to do something good for each.
- Every church has problems. Constantly ask yourself, “Am I a part of the problem or a part of the solution?”
Seek that ye may abound unto the edifying of the church.
1 Corinthians 14.26