
More About Jesus (17)


JESUS is not trying to separate you from your money, but He is trying to keep money from separating you from God.

JESUS is not trying to make you leave the country because of its immorality and wickedness, but He is trying to get you to be the “salt of the earth” (Matthew 5:13).

JESUS is not trying to rob your life of priorities. He is trying to motivate you to put priorities into your life.

JESUS is not only trying to be the Master of your life, but He is trying to get you to master YOUR life.

JESUS is not trying to take you away from your relationships with others. He wants to mold you into the person who will be good for your relationships.

JESUS was not trying to boast when He died on the cross, nor was He holding His perfect righteousness above mankind. JESUS wants us to know He feels our infirmities and wants us to come to Him (Hebrews 4:15,16).

JESUS is not coming back to “put you in your place.” He will return hoping you have placed your life in His hands and bring you to a prepared place - heaven.