
More About Jesus (13)


In a land of “equal rights,” suggestion someone be our “LORD” seems strange. It is definitely strange in some cultures to acknowledge someone else as lord besides the present ruler of the government. Only in this world can it be done.

No doubt it takes humble submission to have a lord at all. However, what separates this Lord from all others is He is Lord not only on spiritual values, but of life and death, heaven and earth, the beginning and the end, food and clothing, marriage and children, and day and night. His lordship impacts every facet of life. No other lord enters into a life and molds it like Jesus.

Acknowledging Him as Lord will be a confession by “every tongue” in the last day (Philippians 2:9-11). Those tongues which have blasphemed, mocked, and criticized His name will confess who Jesus is. Those tongues which confessed Jesus as the Christ and were baptized into His name will be glad to affirm Him on that day. These thoughts bring a better understanding to the words, “Unless Christ is Lord of ALL, He is not Lord at all.” Make Him yours today!